Hurricane Preparedness
Be prepared and take steps to protect yourself and your family. If you live in a high risk area, start preparing now. The central Pacific hurricane season starts June 1st and runs through November 30th. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that this hurricane season will experience 1 – 4 tropical cyclones for the central Pacific hurricane region. Read the full article here.
Part of your hurricane preparation plan should include making sure you have enough medication to last a few weeks. Check with your pharmacist even if you’re not due for a refill; medically necessary exceptions may be made during an emergency. For more information on personal health preparedness visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website.
Visit ready.gov/hurricanes for information and details regarding your emergency plan and supplies you should have within your kit.
Learn more about preparing for a hurricane or tropical storm at these sites:
Family Resources:
Hawaiian Humane Society Disaster Readiness
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Disaster Preparedness
Prepare Now Hawaii
State of Hawaii Office of Public Health Preparedness
CDC – Personal Health Preparedness
CDC – Preparing for a Hurricane
National Weather Service – Hurricane Preparedness Resources
Business Resources:
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Prepare Your Business
Hawaii Business – Hurricane Prep for Your Business