UHA Honored as Outstanding Employer by Mental Health America of Hawai‘i
Honolulu, HI (May 25, 2022) – UHA Health Insurance was honored as 2022’s Outstanding Employer at the 16th Annual Mental Health Mahalo Awards and Awareness Celebration.
Mental Health America of Hawai‘i’s annual event celebrates the individuals and organizations that have most worked to improve mental well-being in the community.
With several hundred in attendance at the Ala Moana Hotel, UHA was recognized for a wide range of policies and programs to support its employees’ mental health as they create fulfilling and successful lives inside and outside of the office. These range from paid time for volunteering, an onsite wellness room for fitness activities or decompression and Life Purpose workshops. UHA also replaced traditional performance reviews and, instead, instituted catalytic coaching that encourages employee to communicate their own goals and ambitions to managers, who serve as coaches. UHA employees are even given up to 2.5 hours each week and $100 per month for any activity that encourages overall wellness.
This is not the first time that UHA has been honored for its approach to mental health. Among other honors, in 2016, UHA received the Psychologically Healthy Workplace Award from the Hawai‘i Psychological Association, which promotes statewide health and well-being.
UHA believes that mental health is critical to an individual’s overall well-being, and it emphasizes psychological health to both its members and its employees. UHA, which has the largest physician network in Hawai‘i, offers a wide array of resources – from a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist that a primary care physician recommends or another program or group – for support.
About UHA Health Insurance
UHA Health Insurance provides medical, drug and vision plans to nearly 4,300 Hawai‘i employer groups and approximately 57,000 members. As the only health plan in Hawai‘i founded by physicians, it was the first to offer preventive and wellness care focused health plans in the state. It continues to be physician led and offers the largest physician network in Hawai‘i. By meeting strict quality standards to ensure clinically sound decision-making that respects the rights of patients and medical providers, UHA received accreditation in Health Utilization Management through URAC, the independent non-profit that promotes healthcare quality. For information, visit uhahealth.com or follow @uhahealth on Twitter.
Media Inquiries:
Deborah Sharkey
Phone: 808.349.8221