Explore Our Employee Health Plans

Our full-featured health plans meet all Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements to include drug and vision coverage, and 100% coverage for wellness and preventive medicine.  Current UHA customers can get their specific health plan information by accessing the UHA Member or Employer portal.

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The following chart displays a comparison of plan provisions and benefits when seeing a participating provider.

Medical Services
UHA 3000 (Bundle) UHA One Plan℠ (Bundle) UHA 600 (Bundle)
Plan Provisions1
Dependent Child Coverage Less than 26 years of age
Annual Deductible2 $200 per person; $600 per family None None
Annual Maximum Out-of-Pocket $2,200 per person; $6,600 per family $2,500 per person; $7,500 per family $2,500 per person; $7,500 per family
Lifetime Maximum3 Unlimited
Preventive Care Services†4
Physical Exam (office visit) once per calendar year None
Preventive Screening Services
Well Child Care Visit
Childhood Immunizations
Adult Immunizations
Screening Laboratory Services – Outpatient
Maternity Services
Maternity Care** None None 10% of EC*
Birthing Room None
Newborn Nursery 10% of EC*
Disease Management Programs
Smoking Cessation Program None
Asthma Education Program
Diabetes Self-Management Training & Education
Nutritional Counseling Programs
Physician Services
Physician Office Visit $12 co-payment $12 co-payment 10% of EC*
Hospital Services
Room & Board (semi-private room) 20% of EC*; deductible applies 20% of EC* 10% of EC*
Hospital Ancillary Services
Laboratory & Pathology – Inpatient
Emergency Services
Emergency Room Services 20% of EC*; deductible applies 20% of EC* 10% of EC*
Ambulance (ground) 20% of EC*
Ambulance (inter island air) For emergencies only 20% of EC*
Complementary Alternative Medicine
Chiropractor / Acupuncture Services Benefits limited to the treatment of conditions of the neuromusculoskeletal system by a licensed provider. $10 co-payment per visit First set of x-rays at 50% of EC*; full charge for add’l sets; $500 combined maximum per calendar year
Medical Services
UHA 3000 (Bundle) UHA One Plan℠ (Bundle) UHA 600 (Bundle)
Plan Provisions1
Dependent Child Coverage
Less than 26 years of age
Annual Deductible2
$200 per person; $600 per family None None
Annual Maximum Out-of-Pocket
$2,200 per person; $6,600 per family $2,500 per person; $7,500 per family $2,500 per person; $7,500 per family
Lifetime Maximum3
Preventive Care Services†4
Physical Exam (office visit) once per calendar year
Preventive Screening Services
Well Child Care Visit
Childhood Immunizations
Adult Immunizations
Screening Laboratory Services – Outpatient
Maternity Services
Maternity Care**
None None 10% of EC*
Birthing Room
None None None
Newborn Nursery
None None 10% of EC*
Disease Management Programs
Smoking Cessation Program
Asthma Education Program
Diabetes Self-Management Training & Education
Nutritional Counseling Programs
Physician Services
Physician Office Visit
$12 co-payment $12 co-payment 10% of EC*
Hospital Services
Room & Board (semi-private room)
20% of EC*; deductible applies 20% of EC* 10% of EC*
Hospital Ancillary Services
20% of EC*; deductible applies 20% of EC* 10% of EC*
Laboratory & Pathology – Inpatient
20% of EC*; deductible applies 20% of EC* 10% of EC*
Emergency Services
Emergency Room Services
20% of EC*; deductible applies 20% of EC* 10% of EC*
Ambulance (ground or inter-island air)
20% of EC*; deductible applies 20% of EC* 20% of EC*
Complementary Alternative Medicine
Chiropractor / Acupuncture Services Benefits limited to the treatment of conditions of the neuromusculoskeletal system by a licensed provider.
$10 co-payment per visit First set of x-rays at 50% of EC*; full charge for add’l sets; $500 combined maximum per calendar year

  • 1.The information above is intended to provide a condensed explanation of UHA medical plan benefits. Please refer to the appropriate Medical Benefits Guide (MBG) for complete information on benefits and provisions. In case of a discrepancy between this comparison and the language contained in the MBG, the MBG will take precedence.
  • 2.Annual deductible does not apply to all services. Refer to your Medical Benefits Guide to verify which services apply.
  • 3.No annual or lifetime maximum.
  • 4.All U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) A and B recommended screening services are covered at 100% as required under the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • UHA 3000 annual deductible does not apply.
  • *EC (Eligible Charge) Refer to your Medical Benefits Guide for detailed definition.
  • **Maternity care includes professional services provided by your physician or Certified Nurse Midwife. Refer to your Medical Benefits Guide for more information on these and other services related to pregnancy and delivery.